Research and Publications

12 Journal articles indexed in databases such as EBSCO, Econlit, or Proquest with Editors like Inderscience and Journals such as the International Journal of Competitiveness, among others. Also, 5 books in Amazon

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assorted-title book in bookcase
a close up of a computer screen with a graph on it
a close up of a computer screen with a graph on it
Books Published Available at Amazon

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Research Papers Published

From Inderscience to the International Journal of Competitiveness. Enter the Orcid database to access my 12 Journal Articles Published. Link here

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My Books

La Direccion Estrategica dela Empresa: Practicas Avanzadas

Thomson Civitas 2004

Esclavos de la Regulacion

La dificultad de hacer negocios y prosperar en España

Business and Investments in Asia.

New Challenges, New Opportunities. ESIC Editorial 2012


Lambert Academic Publishing 2009

A Case study Approach

BOD Publishing 2024

Aprende el secreto de gestionar incertidumbres como los CEO's de las principales companias